Please do follow the information on LMU's website, on the ISC's website and regualrly check back here and on the respective LSF course sites. Es wird angestrebt, für die Hochschulen die erforderlichen Rahmenbedingungen für einen möglichst reibungslosen Lehr- und … REVISED June 5, 2020 University Schedule Committee Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27708 Updated on 08/07/2019. Preparation of a seminar paper (20-30 pages) and its presentation (15-20 minutes). Each participant’s topic will be agreed upon based on adequacy and personal interest. Beginning: Monday, 20th April 2020 Literature: Semesterapparat. Sommersemester 2020 (Language: English) Lecture Structuring and Valuation (S&V) Tuesday 4-6 pm S06 S01 B06 Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Kiesel (Language: English) Exercise Structuring and Valuation (S&V) Friday 10-12 am R11 T04 C06 Anke Kramer, M.Sc. Corona protection regulation NRW from 9.11.2020 Corona entry regulation from 6.11.2020. as well as a discussion with the health department Cologne adapted. Anke Kramer, M.Sc. Companies increasingly invest into building up new departments that interlink interdisciplinary managerial functions such as marketing, sales, strategy, and information technologies. use statistical software, such as Matlab, R, or Python, to analyze market data. Students wishing to take part in German language courses offered at the International Studies Center have to … Please note that deregistration and thus avoiding receiving malus points for not fulfilling the examination requirements is only possible until May 31, … are able to evaluate the risk attended by such contracts and to explain it to non-experts. JGU President Professor Georg Krausch usually welcomes all first-year students personally – in the largest lecture hall on campus inmidst a … A basic knowledge of statistical software, such as R or Python, is sufficient. James, T. and Fusaro, P.C. The first meeting (details see above) serves to introduce potential topics. Lectures. Monday, 8:30 - 10:00 The module will be delivered online/digitally Nobuya Fukugawa, Ph.D., Associate Professor Mihaela Suhalitca, M.A. Allocation of topics is planned to be completed by May 6, 2020. : +49 (0)203/379-3017 E-Mail: [email protected] Dr.-Ing. write a scientific paper and present its content in a scientific talk. Ing.-Wiss. *Corrections are noted in bold. Please note that due to corona this lecture will be offered as a block course towards the end of the semester (probably the last two weeks of July 2020). Carolina senior receives the Marshall Scholarship to study in the UK. The University began asymptomatic evaluation testing in September by offering saliva-based testing at the Carolina Union. Universität Duisburg-Essen Gerlingstraße 16 45127 Essen Germany. Das Sommersemester 2020 wird ein ungewöhnliches, es soll jedoch kein verlorenes Semester sein. / Changes reserved to the federal state of Brandenburg and the laws of higher ranking authorities. Kontakt: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mittwoch 22.04.20 14-18 Uhr (Einzeltermin, weitere Informationen auf separater Seite) LC 133 Benjamin Hildebrandt, M.Sc. select, acquire, and process necessary market data. For more information about tuition and fees for the 2020-2021 academic year, visit Carolina Together: Tuition and Fees. The coordination of different communication and distribution channels has become one of the most important challenges in management. Vorankündigung Sommersemester 2020 Advanced Studies in Experimental Physics Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics Fundamentals of Surface Physics - Grundlagen der Oberflächenphysik Fundamentals of Astrophysics - Grundlagen der Astrophysik Magnetic Nanostructures - Magnetische Nanostrukturen Nonlinear Optics - Nichtlineare Optik LEF. Beginning: 20.04.2020 End: 20.07.2020. mihaela.suhalitca (at), Tel 0203 379-4185 . Patrick Clinch is Carolina's 21st Marshall Scholar. Further information on these areas and many other aspects of the 2020-21 academic year is available at, which will be updated throughout the summer. Wednesday, April 15, 2020 . In order to make it easier for you to start your studies, our university traditionally offers you the opportunity to get to know the chosen course of study and the general conditions of study in the week before you start. Eydeland, A. and Wolyniec, K.: Energy and Power Risk Management, John Wiley & Sons, 2003. understand complex quantitative techniques and apply them to analyze the structures of financial contracts and physical assets frequently used in energy markets. INKO. Beliefs in Decision Theory Liquidity issues in the OTC options market. Standard Test Requirement Waiver. Taking a leave of absence during a semester that has already begun is only permitted in exceptional cases (e.g. COVID-19 testing on campus is not new. But spring testing will be far more extensive — and required for many undergraduates as part of … : Energy and Emissions Markets , John Wiley & Sons, 2006. analyze current problems in the field of energy trading. Teaching. Again, let me emphasize: we all know that COVID-19 presents a rapidly changing set of circumstances in North Carolina and across the country. Lecture Structuring and Valuation (S&V) Dozent: Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Kiesel ; Ansprechpartner: Alexander Blasberg, M.Sc. Further details will be confirmed. Description: Under the current circumstances, the lecture cannot be offered in the regular form. ES. The hygiene and protection guideline that came into force at the UzK on 01.10.2020 will be discontinued due to a change in the legal situation, here. Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Timo Jacob and co-workers. Mihaela Suhalitca, LE 735 . Your access to the Moodle course room is … Wir arbeiten unter Hochdruck daran Euch im Sommersemester 2020 ein tolles Lehrprogramm zur Verfügung zu stellen. Lehre. Aufgrund der aktuellen Lage zum Coronavirus, werden alle Lehrveranstaltungen über digitale Kanäle angeboten. Terminplan Sommersemester 2020 / Dates for the Summer Semester 2020 Stand / Updated: 11.09.2019 Seite 1 / page 1 Termine für das Sommersemester 2020 / Dates for the Summer Semester 2020 1. Due to the current corona pandemic (Covid-19), there will be … The UNC System Board of Governors has affirmed that the current tuition and fee structure for the Fall semester will remain in place for the 2020-21 academic year regardless of any changes in instructional format. April 14-16, 2020* *) tentative dates, subject to change! Semesterzeitraum / Semester Period..... 01.04.2020 bis 30.09.2020 Please note that due to corona this lecture will be offered as a block course towards the end of the semester (probably the last two weeks of July 2020). Das Sommersemester 2020 während COVID-19. Courses in the graduate, professional and health affairs schools will continue to be taught as they are or as directed by the schools. Geman, H.: Commodities and Commodity Derivatives, John Wiley & Sons, 2005. Burger, M., Graeber, B. and Schindlmayr, G.: Managing Energy Risk: An Integrated View on Power and Other Energy Markets,  John Wiley & Sons, 2007. Sommersemester 2020. Due to the current circumstances, the lecture “Japan’s Role in Global and Regional Economic Relations” (AEAS 2207) will not be delivered in person for the time being. interpret and discuss results critically, and put them into economically meaningful context. Having taken the course Zeitreihenanalyse is ideal. Semesterablaufplan Sommersemester 2020 / Semester Timetable Summer Semester 20 20 Stand / Updated: 01.04.2020. are able to critically discuss and interpret model results as well as to extend models. Sommersemester 2020. Participants are required to write a seminar paper on their chosen topic and give a short presentation by the end of the term. Telefon: +49 201 18 34660 Telefax: +49 201 18 34699 Änderungen entsprechend Festlegungendes Landes Brandenburg und übergeordneten Recht s vorbehalten. Stefan Panglisch (Raum MF 162) Tel. Die Länder haben sich zur Ausgestaltung des Sommersemesters 2020 aufgrund der Ausbreitung des Coronavirus auf ein gemeinsames Vorgehen verständigt. 30.10.2020 Lecture: Behavioral Economics 29.10.2020 Klausureinsicht Ordnungspolitik 05.10.2020 Bachelor-Seminar: Das Paradox der Wahlbeteiligung, Wahlverhalten und Wahlmanipulation aus der Perspektive der Politischen Ökonomie 15.09.2020 Sommersemester 2020. Semester: Sommersemester 2020 The University is shifting all undergraduate instruction to remote learning on Aug. 19. Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Timo Jacob and co-workers. Lehrstuhl für Software Systems Engineering. Allocation of topics is planned to be completed by May 6, 2020. By Associated Press, Wire Service Content March 30, 2020, at 2:33 p.m. ... April and May have been rescheduled or canceled due to growing concerns about the spread of coronavirus. : +49 (0)203/379-3477 Fax. Ralph Hobby (Raum MF 163) Depending on the number of participants, purely literature-based topics might be offered as well. Please register for this meeting by email to alexander.blasberg (at) with subject "Seminar Selected Topics in RM SS20". Due to the impact of COVID-19 on standardized test availability and the likelihood of additional testing date cancellations the UNC Board of Governors has waived the standardized test requirement for first-year students applying for admissions for Spring 2021, Summer 2021, and Fall 2021 to all UNC System Institutions. Link to the lecture. The Marshall Scholarship covers university fees, cost of living expenses, annual book grants, thesis grant, research and … You may submit a request to take a leave of absence to Student Admissions Office as long as you re-register no later than the last working day before the beginning of the new lecture period. Sommersemester 2020 Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, plans for teaching in the summer may be subject to changes. Please register for the course in Moodle (course name "Advanced Industrial Organization (SS20)"), where you can find more details.After registering, you will also receive new course relevant information per Email. Kontakt. Für die Teilnahme am Dies academicus, der jährlich im Sommersemester stattfindet, wird vorlesungsfrei erteilt. due to illness or pregnancy). If you would like to participate in the seminar, please register with Diana Schüler ([email protected]) until April 1, 2020. Uni-DUE. Please note that deregistration and thus avoiding receiving malus points for not fulfilling the examination requirements is only possible until May 31, 2020. nicole.jaschinski (at) +49 203 37-92358; How to reach us; Campus map; Mail Address; Study programs; Professors; MSM A-Z; ... Sommersemester 2020 (Language: English) Vorlesung Industrieökonomik. Further details will be confirmed. Wegen der Corona-Situation gibt es im Sommersemester 2020 keine Präsenzveranstaltungen an der Uni Leipzig. Contact . The changes concern the following areas: If you would like to participate in the seminar, please register with Diana Schüler ([email protected] until April 7, 2020 Diana Schüler , Dr. Registration : Personal registration during the kick-off meeting on April 15, 2020 Sommersemester 2020 Algebraic Geometry 4: Introduction to Log Geometry Log geometry is a framework in which suitable mildly degenerate objects in algebraic geometry behave like … The focus of this seminar is on quantitative analysis which involves computing in statistical software, such as Matlab, R, or Python.