Seidentuch OS1936-52, Konvolut Olympic Games 1936-1952 Mixed lot of 5 parts: 4 silk scarves and a lace doilies from Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Berlin 1936, Helsinki 1940 and Oslo 1952. From approx. 22cx22 cm to 28x27 cm.. Condition: A-B
Gußform Spendenplakette 1940 Olympic Games 1940 Norwegian plaque 48x32 cm Original mold for a large version of the Norwegian donation plaque for the 1940 Helsinki Olympic Games with the inscription "Norge 1940". Plaster, weight: 3.5 kg. 48x32x2.3cm. --The large version of this plaque was intended to be produced for promotional purposes to raise awareness of fundraising ...mehr
Official Report 1940 Olympic Games 1940. Official Report By Carl Diem, Preparations for the 5th Olympic Winter Games in Garmisch-Partenkirchen 1940. Official report. Published by the OC for the Games in Garmisch-Partenkirchen 1940. Black-and-white photos and four table of coulours. Very rare. Official report about the Games which never took place. ...mehr
Olympischer Pokal Plakette Olympic Games Helsinki 1941. Olympic Cup medal Bronze plaque for the participants in the awarding of the Olympic Cup to NOC of Finland in 1941 by the IOC. Front: Relief of the Olympic Cup. Back: Olympic rings with inscription "La Coupe Olympique creee par le Baron de Coubertin renovateur des Jeux Olympiques de l'ere modern a ete attribuee a ...mehr