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 Nr.      Object+   Hammerprice   Estimate   Buy Now 
 966   Medal of Honour: Olympic Games Berlin 1936.<br>-- Estimate: 175,00 € --  Medaille 1936 - Miniatur
Medal of Honour: Olympic Games Berlin 1936.
-- Estimate: 175,00 € --

Miniature version of the German Olympic Commemorative Medal, awarded for meritorious work at the 1936 Olympic Games and donated to women. As a pendant with a silk bow and brass buttonhole disc (manufacturer: J.Godet & Sohn, Berlin). Bronze, silver plated. Diameter of the medal 1 cm !!! --Minature ...mehr
 270,00 €   0,00€ 
 962   Autograph Olympia Games 1936 Lewald Diem<br>-- Estimate: 125,00 € --  Lewald / Diem
Autograph Olympia Games 1936 Lewald Diem
-- Estimate: 125,00 € --

Two-page typewritten letter dated December 23, 1933 with the original signature of Theodor Lewald (1860-1947), President of the Organizing Committee for the Berlin 1936 Olympic Games and Chairman of the 1926 Olympic Committee, and Carl Diem (1882-1962), General Secretary of the Organizing ...mehr
 125,00 €   0,00€ 
 963   Autograph Olympic Games 1936 by Theodor Lewald<br>-- Estimate: 125,00 € --  Lewald, Theodor
Autograph Olympic Games 1936 by Theodor Lewald
-- Estimate: 125,00 € --

(1860 - April 15, 1947) Handwritten postcard from Theodor Lewald from April 4th. In 1947 to his former employee in the OK of the Berlin Olympic Games in 1936, Fieda Mewes. Lewald was president of the organizing committee for the Berlin Olympic Games in 1936 and chairman of the Olympic Committee in ...mehr
 140,00 €   0,00€ 
 933   German Olympiade 1934. Participation pin<br>-- Estimate: 75,00 € --  Deutsche Kampfspiele 1934
German Olympiade 1934. Participation pin
-- Estimate: 75,00 € --

for the "Deutsche Kampfspiele“ (German Games) These "National" Games were held because Germany was not invited to the 1920 and 1924 Olympic Games. They continued even after Germany's renewed participation in the Olympics untill 1934. The first Games were held in Cologne in 1922. Bronze, silver ...mehr
 75,00 €   0,00€ 
 936   Olympic Games 1932 Coca-Cola Turntable<br>-- Estimate: 100,00 € --  Drehscheibe OSS1932
Olympic Games 1932 Coca-Cola Turntable
-- Estimate: 100,00 € --

Turntable "Xth Olympiad Los Angeles 1932" with Coca-Cola advertising. Cardboard box, 14 cm. --v Condition: A-
 93,00 €   0,00€ 
 998   Olympic Games 1936 Bacelit modell Olympic Stadium<br>-- Estimate: 200,00 € --  Reichssportfeld
Olympic Games 1936 Bacelit modell Olympic Stadium
-- Estimate: 200,00 € --

Bakelite modell Olympic Stadium and Sport Fields by O. Reich. Bacelit plastic model (A) in original presentation case with map, diagram and legend of the buildings in the lid. Model: 20x30x2.5cm Case (Condition B). Condition:
 160,00 €   0,00€ 
 1006   Olympic Games 1936 German Sticker Album<br>-- Estimate: 75,00 € --  Sammelbilder-Monopol
Olympic Games 1936 German Sticker Album
-- Estimate: 75,00 € --

World Nations 1936. Collector's Album showing the Flags of all Nations of the World, those participating in the OS 1936. have the Olympic Ring on the picture, plus text and statistics to the games. Complete with 240 pictures on 40 pages. Very rare and fine edition! Condition: C
 68,00 €   0,00€ 
 919   Olympic Games 1936 large badge Olympic Rings<br>-- Estimate: 75,00 € --  Abzeichen OS1936
Olympic Games 1936 large badge Olympic Rings
-- Estimate: 75,00 € --

Large badge with colored enamel Olympic rings. Silver-plated bronze, 7.5x3.8 cm --A rarity in this size! --Nice souvenir from the 1936 Olympic Games. -lightly tarnished Condition: A-
 77,00 €   0,00€ 
 973   Olympic Games 1936 Porcelain cup<br>-- Estimate: 240,00 € --  Moccatasse OSS1936
Olympic Games 1936 Porcelain cup
-- Estimate: 240,00 € --

Porcelain mocca cup with saucer from the company “Hutschenreuther, Selb”. White with hand-painted gilding. Cup (height 12 cm with handle). Saucer (diameter 15.5 cm) with inscription "XI.Olympiade Deutschland 1936" and Olympic rings. --Very rare decorative piece. Excellent. EF - Liquidation of the ...mehr
 192,00 €   0,00€ 
 940   Olympic Games 1936 Ticket swimming complete<br>-- Estimate: 60,00 € --  Eintrittskarte OSS1936
Olympic Games 1936 Ticket swimming complete
-- Estimate: 60,00 € --

August 15th, swimming, swimming stadium. Access: Olympic Gate. Standing room 2.- RM, complete ticket, 13.2x6.2 cm --Officially canceled by an “R”-punch Condition: B+
 50,00 €   0,00€ 
 991   Olympic Games 1936. 17 B/W-Pressfotos Jesse Owens<br>-- Estimate: 250,00 € --  Pressefotos OSS1936
Olympic Games 1936. 17 B/W-Pressfotos Jesse Owens
-- Estimate: 250,00 € --

17 B/W press photos by Dr. Paul Wolff from the Berlin Olympic Games 1936, 17.5 x13 cm each with Jesse Owens --Rare photos by the art photographer Dr. Paul Wolff from the 1936 Olympics in Berlin Condition: A
 765,00 €   0,00€ 
 957   Olympic Games 1936. 2x belt with olympic rings<br>-- Estimate: 100,00 € --  Gόrtelschnalle OS1936
Olympic Games 1936. 2x belt with olympic rings
-- Estimate: 100,00 € --

2 belt buckles1) with attached brass plaque with Olympic motifs and inscription "Berlin 1936". Belt buckle: 6.2x4.3cm. 2) With the Olympic rings, chrome-plated, 4.5x3 cm Condition: A-
 80,00 €   0,00€ 
 1012   Olympic Games 1936. 4x Silver Souvenir Brooch<br>-- Estimate: 140,00 € --  Silberspange + Brosche OSS1936
Olympic Games 1936. 4x Silver Souvenir Brooch
-- Estimate: 140,00 € --

4x silver clasps or brooches with attached Olympic rings. 3x silver (hallmarked 835) 7x1.3 + 4.5x1.7 and one silver-plated, 3.5x3.2 cm. High quality souvenir from the 1936 Olympic Games. --The enameled Olympic rings each have a chip attached to each Olympic ring. Condition: A-B
 130,00 €   0,00€ 
 922   Olympic games 1936. Car Plaque Berlin 1936<br>-- Estimate: 90,00 € --  Autoplakette 1936
Olympic games 1936. Car Plaque Berlin 1936
-- Estimate: 90,00 € --

Olympic rings as a car badge. Silver-plated bronze, colored enamel, 10.5x4 cm7.5x7.2 cm. Original car badge from 1936. With three chips on the enamel Condition: A-
 88,00 €   0,00€ 
 980   Olympic Games 1936. Commemorative Porcelaine<br>-- Estimate: 140,00 € --  Porzellandose mit Deckel OSS1936
Olympic Games 1936. Commemorative Porcelaine
-- Estimate: 140,00 € --

Porcelain box with lid. Lid with colored Olympic rings, Berlin city coat of arms and inscription “XI. Olympic Games Berlin 1936”. Manufacturer: "BL". Height: 7.5cm. Diameter: 10cm ----Collection liquidation with porcelain from the 1936 Olympic Games Condition: A
 160,00 €   0,00€ 
 1018   Olympic Games 1936. Commorative Knife Berlin 1936<br>-- Estimate: 100,00 € --  Taschenmesser 1936
Olympic Games 1936. Commorative Knife Berlin 1936
-- Estimate: 100,00 € --

Souvenir pocket knife with black Bakelite covers and inlaid silver bell from the Berlin 1936 Olympic Games. Manufacturer: Herder&Sφhne Solingen. Brand "Constant". 7.3x1.2cm. Condition: B
 90,00 €   0,00€ 
 979   Olympic Games 1936. Plaque: Canoeing,  Berlin<br>-- Estimate: 120,00 € --  Plakette OS1936
Olympic Games 1936. Plaque: Canoeing, Berlin
-- Estimate: 120,00 € --

Official Plaque "Internationale DKV-Sternfahrt zu den Olympischen Spielen Berlin 1936" from the German Canu Association. Lightmetall, size 5x5cm. Very rare, the drill holes are also origina, were intended to be attached to the boat l!! Condition: A-
 105,00 €   0,00€ 
 1019   Olympic Games 1936. Porcelain Souvenir Cup<br>-- Estimate: 140,00 € --  Tasse OS1936
Olympic Games 1936. Porcelain Souvenir Cup
-- Estimate: 140,00 € --

Mocca cup with saucer. Cup with two colored Olympic rings, the stadium coat of arms of Berlin and the inscription "XI Olympic Games 1936". Cup completely gilded inside, height, 4.8 cm. Plate, 11 cm --Nice souvenir of the Berlin Olympic Games in 1936. Without manufacturer's stamp. Almost new, except ...mehr
 150,00 €   0,00€ 
 935   Olympic Games 1936. programm rotary disc<br>-- Estimate: 60,00 € --  Drehscheibe OS1936
Olympic Games 1936. programm rotary disc
-- Estimate: 60,00 € --

2 different rotary discs shoeing the programme of the Olympic Games 1936. With various sponsors. 20 x 14 to 16 x 12 cm. By moving the disc the programme of a day appears. Beautiful object. Condition: C
 60,00 €   0,00€ 
 1005   Olympic Games 1936. Rare sticker album from Kosmo<br>-- Estimate: 125,00 € --  Sammelbilder-Kosmos OS36
Olympic Games 1936. Rare sticker album from Kosmo
-- Estimate: 125,00 € --

Olympic Games 1936. Text, choice of pictures and legends: Carl Graf Norman. With photo-sticker about the olympic winter and summer games. 319 from 321 photos (Sticker No. 1 + 2 missing). One of the rarest collector's albums about the 1936 Olympiad. With original b&w photos. 10 of 12 large photos ...mehr
 750,00 €   0,00€ 
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