Programm OSS1904 Olympic Games 1904. Daily Sports Programme Olympic Games. Third Olympiad Aug. 29 to Sept. 3. Exposition Stadium, St. Louis, Daily Official Programm World´s Fair, St.Louis. Absolutely rare official day programme for the 1904 Olympic Games, which were held as part of the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair. Pure sports programme for the events held ...mehr
Official Report 1904, Lucas, Charles J.P. Olympic Games St.Louis 1904 Lucas Official Report The Olympic Games 1904. (Official Report). 148 pages + 28 full-page B/W photos, 18.5x13.2 cm, gold-embossed linen cover, Woodward, St. Louis 1905. --One of the rarest official reports on the Olympic Games. Chapters about marathons, records, the Dewitt case and handicap competitions, among other ...mehr
Official Report 1904, Sulivan,J.E. Olympic Games St.Louis 1904. Official Report Spaldings Official Athletic Almanac for 1905. Olympic Games Number. (Official Report). Privates Exemplar von Alonzo A.Stagg! 284 + 30 pages with approx. 120 B/W photos, 17.5x12.8 cm private cloth, New York 1905. --One of the rarest "official" reports on the Olympic Games. This almanac is a special ...mehr