Vierter Band: Erster Theil, Die Objective Logik; Zweite Abtheilung, Die Lehre Vom Wesen. Real Measures, however, are also subject to internal alteration akin to what has already been discussed in "Measure" above, i.e., that its Quality can be maintained only within a certain Quantitative range beyond which it undergoes a sudden "leap" into another Quality. By 1831, Hegel completed a greatly revised and expanded version of the ‘Doctrine of Being’, but had no time to revise the rest of the book. This totality is itself, however, but a link in the chain of the three sciences of Logic, Nature and Spirit, as developed by Hegel in his Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences (1817), that, when taken as a whole, comprise a "circle of circles. Wissenschaft der Logik | Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich | ISBN: 9781484031834 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon. Those that apply this mode of thinking to something are making an arbitrary distinction, the opposite of which could always be claimed with equal justification. However, if we then take the constant produced by the ratio of the two sides as a self-subsistent Something in its own right, that is, a Being-for-Self, then the two formerly entirely distinct Qualities become its own sublated moments, their very natures now seen to have been in fact derived from this relation of Measure in the first place. In ihren drei Teilen – „Das Sein“ (1812/1832), „Die Lehre vom Wesen“ (1813) und „Die subjektive Logik oder die Lehre vom Begriff“ (1816) – verfolgt sie den Weg, auf dem Denken sich zum begreifenden und sich selbst begreifenden Denken bestimmt. This self-determination constitutes the Quality of the Quantum, and finally demonstrates the full significance of the essential identity of Quality and Quantity. Third Jena system. As developed, it included the fullest description of his dialectic. In fact, the specific Quality of a particular Real Measure is in part registered by the other Real Measures it has a special Affinity for, that is, how it responds to Quantitative Alteration. Wissenschaft der Logik, 2. Now, however, that Qualitative Determinateness has returned, the Quantum loses its simple self-relation and can relate to itself only through a Qualitative Other that is beyond itself. This nullity actually serves to fix them eternally in their specific determination and preserve them from Alteration, because they no longer relate to each other externally as Others to one another, but internally as equals in Essence's nothingness. Like and Unlike, being external to the things they refer to, can each be equally applied to one and the same Determination. What the unity of Continuity and Discreteness, i.e., Quantity, results in is a continual outpouring of something out of itself, a perennial self-production. Hegel's logic is a system of dialectics, i.e., a dialectical metaphysics: it is a development of the principle that thought and being constitute a single and active unity. They cannot be cut off from each other, but either one can be foregrounded leaving the other present only implicitly. This absolute recoil upon itself is Essence as a) Positing Reflection. Zweites Buch. Zur Feier lese ich aus meinem Buch "Hegel: der Weltphilosoph" (Propyläen, 2020). The first, ‘The Objective Logic’, has two parts (the Doctrines of Being and Essence) and each part was published in 1812 and 1813 respectively. From the Ideal standpoint of Infinity, Being-for-Self has become free from this burden and so is absolutely determined Being. ID Numbers Open Library OL24138159M The second volume, ‘The Subjective Logic’, was published in 1816 the same year he became a professor of philosophy at Heidelberg. These moments now re-emerge as Being-in-Itself, i.e., Something as Something only insofar as it is in opposition to the Other; and Being-for-Other, i.e., Something as Something only insofar as it is in relation to the Other. The repulsion of Quantum from itself out into the beyond of Infinity, is actually a gesture back towards the world of Qualitative Determination, thus bridging once again the two worlds. Being was always already Nothing, and Nothing was always already Being; Being and Nothing are conceptually identical, yet at the same time nominally distinguished (unterschieden). However, the Number ten or twenty, though made up of Many, is also a self-determining One, independent of other Numbers for its determination. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel; Vom Begriff im Allgemeinen. Die subjective Logik. Because the Inverse Ratio confines within itself many Direct Ratios, the constant of the former displays itself not merely as a Quantitative, but also as a Qualitative Limit. In the Direct and Inverse Ratios, the relation between the constant and its variables was not continuous, the former only being a fixed proportionality between them, and the latter relating itself to them only negatively. Content is what we perceive. It is at this point that the moment of the Something reasserts itself having remained implicit over the course of the development of Quantity. The self-exposition of this unified consciousness, or Notion, follows a series of necessary, self-determined stages in an inherently logical, dialectical progression. Both Qualitative and Quantitative Determinate Being have Limits that demarcate the boundary between their affirmative presence and their negation, but in the former the Limit determines its Being to be of a specific Quality unique to itself, whereas in the latter, made up as it is of homogeneous Units that remain identical to each other no matter which side of the Limit they fall upon, the Limit serves only to enclose a specific Amount of Units, e.g., a hundred, and to distinguish it from other such aggregates. The first negation, Negation in General, is simply what a Determinate Being is not. Sekundærlitteratur. Und doch widersprechen sich selbst 200 Jahre bestimmte Interpretationen des Werkes vollkommen. Since for Hegel the underlying structure of all of reality is ultimately rational, logic is not merely about reasoning or argument but rather is also the rational, structural core of all of reality and every dimension of it. [40] Just as there is no criterion to distinguish Being and Nothing despite the fact that they are opposites, the One is also identical with its opposite, (b) the Void. Finally, just as Becoming mediated between Being and Nothing, Alteration is now the mediator between Something and Other. Simply put ground is the "essence of essence," which for Hegel arguably means the lowest, broadest rung in his ontology because ground appears to fundamentally support his system. Georg Hegel, Enzyklopädie der Philosophischen Wissenschaften im Grundrisse. ), So, similar to Becoming above, the Positive and the Negative immediately transition the one into the other: the Positive includes the Negative which immediately excludes the Positive; the resulting Negative however also includes the Positive which in turn excludes the Negative and so on ad infinitum. This progress can take place in one of two directions, the greater or the smaller, giving us the so-called "infinitely great" or "infinitely small." Hrsg. As an example Hegel says that an official may hold an office for a variety of reasons—suitable connections, made an appearance on such and such occasion, and so forth. Since each Real Measure within a series forms such a constant with every other member in that series, any individual series in which a particular Real Measure serves as the Unit can be made commensurable with any other series with a different Real Measure as Unit. If x is Unit and y Amount, then k is the Amount of such Units. Illusory Being, though not Essence itself, nevertheless belongs entirely to Essence. Auf der Phänomenologie des Geistes aufbauend soll hier eine ontologisch-metaphyische Logik entwickelt werden, die an die antike Logos-Philosophie anschließt. The Void can be said to be the Quality of the One. Therefore, the first Number of the ratio completely loses its independent significance and only functions as a determinate Quantum in relation to an other. Der Begriff. You can write a book review and share your experiences. This is because Essence is in itself absolute negativity, nothingness, and it follows that any determination made therein will share in this negativity and itself be essentially nothing. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Wissenschaft der Logik Inhaltsverzeichnis. Download books for free. Free kindle book and epub digitized and proofread by Project Gutenberg. Burkhardt, Bernd. First published in 1820. The True infinite bears the same relation of mediation to these moments as Becoming did to Being and Nothing and as Alteration did to Something and Other. Cambridge University Press. It was published in two volumes. [6] This Pure Knowing is simply Knowing as Such, and as such, has for its first thought product Being as Such, i.e., the purest abstraction from all that is (although, importantly, not distinct from, or alongside, all that is), having "no diversity within itself nor with any reference outwards. This distinction is therefore meaningful as posited by thought. Die Wissenschaft der Logik. Although it "knows" that the Illusory Being it finds immediately before it has been posited by none other than itself, External Reflection nevertheless regards this Being as something external to it from which it returns to itself. Die vierte Figur: A-A-A, oder der mathematische Schluß. [16], (a) Something and Other are separate from each other, but each still contains within itself, as moments, their former unity in Determinate Being. Μ 0 2ην προ 1έγγι 1η αυ 2ή 2ου Hegel ανα / 0ικνύ 0 2αι η θέ 1η 2ου αν 2ικ 0ιμ 0νικού Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Hegel's Page 6/29 6. Rather, what is involved in measurement is a ratio between two Qualities and their inherent Quantities, the one made to act as the (b) Specifying Measure of the other, this other, however, being itself just as capable of measuring that which it is being measured by. "It can therefore be said," says Hegel, "that this content is the exposition of God as he is in his eternal essence before the creation of nature and a finite mind. [13] Within Quality, however, Reality and Negation are still distinct from one another, are still mediated, just like Being and Nothing were in Becoming. This Other is another Quantum, of a greater or lesser Amount, which, in turn, immediately points beyond itself to yet an Other Quantum ad infinitum. The Ratio of Powers takes the following form: It is in this form of the Ratio, says Hegel, that "quantum has reached its Notion and has completely realized it." Find books Diese Reihe behandelt die "subjektive Logik" (Begriffslogik) in Hegels Werk "Wissenschaft der Logik". It is merely the abstract expression of the unity that underlies their totality. Philosophy. Table of Contents. Yet they are held to be separate by this stage of thought and so the two terms are eternally stuck in an empty oscillation back and forth from one another. So Reflection, the movement between them, is the movement of nothing to nothing and so back to itself. Therefore, the series of Quantitative relationships between these Real Measures only determines the (c) Elective Affinity between their different Qualities, but not these Qualities themselves.
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