Die objektive Logik "At the name of the infinite, the heart and the mind light up, for in the infinite the spirit is not merely abstractly present to itself, but rises to its own self, to the light of thinking, of its universality, of its freedom. 1-2. Die objektive Logik (1832), ed. (Some light spotting.) $74.73. These different Qualities form Nodes on a line of gradual Quantitative increase or decrease. 39687 Hegel: Wissenschaft der Logik 9 Bewußtsein in der Phänomenologie des Geistes dar-zustellen versucht. B. G. W. F. Hegel: Wissenschaft der Logik. Publication date 1812 Topics Logic Publisher Nürnberg : Johann Leonhard Schrag Collection americana Digitizing sponsor Google Book from the collections of University of California Language German. Only the second edition of Science of Logic is translated into English. That these "infinites" are each the Spurious Quantitative Infinite is evident in the fact that "great" and "small" designate Quanta, whereas the Infinite by definition is not a Quantum. However, a Number is also a specific Determinate Being that encloses an aggregate of Units while excluding from itself other such aggregates. Out of this nullity, the unity of the two sides is restored in the following way. In no science is the need to begin with the subject matter itself, without preliminary reflections, felt more strongly than in the science of logic. In the Measureless, the Quantitative Infinite is manifested in the potential of the Nodal line to increase endlessly; the Qualitative Infinite is manifested as the eternal beyond of any particular Qualitative determination. The transition to Essence occurs when these determinations reabsorb this unity back into themselves, i.e., they sublate it. It is therefore by their common Limits that Somethings and Others are mediated with one another and mutually define each other's inner Qualities. Moretto, Antonio Pages 75-98. This inclusion of what is excluded is what constitutes the Positive and the Negative as what they are. A given determination, as seen from its Positive aspect, is Likeness reflected back onto itself off of Unlikeness. "Determinate ground" consists of "formal ground," "real ground," and "complete ground." Die objective Logik: 3. "[93], In the sphere of Being, above, Qualities were determined only relatively. A. V. Miller, (London: Allen & Unwin, 1969). From the standpoint of this Ideal One, both Repulsion and Attraction now presuppose each other, and, taken one step further, each presupposes itself as mediated by the other. [63], The Quantitative Infinite negates Quantum, and Quantum in turn negates Infinity. Hegel: Logiikan tiede (Wissenschaft der Logik) Ilmari Jauhiainen (julkaistu 2.11.2011, muokattu 16.9.2014) Logiikan tiedettä ( Wissenschaft der Logik , 1812/1813/1816/1832) pidetään yleisesti yhtenä Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegelin (1770–1831) pääteoksista. Previously, Quantum was held to be indifferent to the Quality of that which it quantified. ID Numbers Open Library OL24138159M Unlike mere Quantum, however, the Real Measure of a thing is inwardly determined, and so preserves itself somewhat in alteration. When we combine form with matter the result is "determinate matter." It is at this point that the moment of the Something reasserts itself having remained implicit over the course of the development of Quantity. Wissenschaft der Logik, 2. Being cannot therefore simply preserve itself as an Other relative to Essence, but, having been sublated by Essence, it has for that very reason itself become nothingness, a non-essence, Illusory Being. Hegel's logic is a system of dialectics, i.e., a dialectical metaphysics: it is a development of the principle that thought and being constitute a single and active unity. Erster Teil. The two sides posit and negate each other simultaneously, and in doing so they no longer destroy each other, but preserve one another. It is that through which Essence generates itself as what it is, namely, the purely negative as regards Being. diverse content, together. Until this point Determinate Being was burdened with Finitude, depended on the Other for its own determination, and so was only relatively determined Being. Erster Teil. Hegel calls this "abstract negation". However, if we then take the constant produced by the ratio of the two sides as a self-subsistent Something in its own right, that is, a Being-for-Self, then the two formerly entirely distinct Qualities become its own sublated moments, their very natures now seen to have been in fact derived from this relation of Measure in the first place. Instead, they are indifferent to one another. georo wilhelm friedrich hegel samtliche werke herausgegeben von georg lasson band iv: wissenschaft der logik zweiter teil verlag von felix meiner in leipzig georg wilhelm friedrich hegel wissenschaft der logik herjfujsgegeben von georg lasson zwhite auflage mit einer vergleichenden seitenobersicht zweiter teil der philosophischen bibliothek band 57 Hegel thinks that matter itself "cannot be seen": only a determination of matter resulting from a specific form can be seen. Like and Unlike, being external to the things they refer to, can each be equally applied to one and the same Determination. [14], Something is the first instance in The Science of Logic of the "negation of the negation". Hence the Science of Logic is actually a circle and there is no starting point or end, but rather a totality. a. Schluß der Allheit. "[30], This affirmation of the Infinite, however, carries with it a negative relation to an other, the Finite. Seeing as the successive determinations are self-generated by an internal Quantitative Alteration of Measure, they can now be seen, from the standpoint of the Measureless, to be different States of one and the same Substrate. Quantum, having sublated the moment of Quantity that originally defined it and returned to Quality, is now what it is in its truth: Measure. [79], The relation of Elective Affinity is an external relation between two Real Measures that is determined by their Quantitative aspects. Being has finally determined itself to no longer be simply affirmative Being, i.e., that which characterized Being as Being in the first place, but as a relation with itself, as Being-With-Self, or Essence. The process of Being's transition to the Notion as fully aware of itself is outlined in Book Two: The Doctrine of Essence, which is included in the Objective division of the Logic. Limitation and the Ought are the twin, self-contradictory moments of the Finite. [36], As a consequence of having overcome this relativity, however, both sides of the relationship between Something and Other are now also in equal relation to the Infinite Being that they have become Ideal moments of. Rather, what is involved in measurement is a ratio between two Qualities and their inherent Quantities, the one made to act as the (b) Specifying Measure of the other, this other, however, being itself just as capable of measuring that which it is being measured by. Eintheilung. Fragt man sich, zu welchen Ergebnissen die The Void can be said to be the Quality of the One. [50], Although unified in Quantity, Continuity and Discreteness still retain their distinction from one another. So if we are an external party concerned with a specific determination of Identity, the moment of Difference, though intrinsic to the fact of this Identity, is very far from our minds. Therefore, the series of Quantitative relationships between these Real Measures only determines the (c) Elective Affinity between their different Qualities, but not these Qualities themselves. Other readers will always be interested in your opinion of the books you've read. This gesture is made explicit in the Quantitative Ratio, where two Quanta are brought into relationship with one another in such a way that neither one in itself is self-determined, but in relating to each other, they Qualitatively determine something beyond themselves, e.g., a line or a curve.[65]. This Being, though, is now in the standpoint of Infinity from which these developments can be seen as moments of itself and so it is (a) Being-for-Self as Such. This nullity actually serves to fix them eternally in their specific determination and preserve them from Alteration, because they no longer relate to each other externally as Others to one another, but internally as equals in Essence's nothingness. The Essentialities are determined Essence and, as we know, determination by definition involves negation. ISBN 0-521-33035-1. Erstes Kapitel. The Logic of Hegel by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Download Read more. Hegels "Wissenschaft der Logik" Im Spannungsfeld der Kritik: Historische Und Systematische Untersuchungen Zur Diskussion Um Funktion Und Leistungsfähigkeit von Hegels "Wissenschaft der Logik" Bis 1831. In its own self-differentiation, it can only relate to itself as another self identical to it, that is, as another One. Diese Reihe behandelt die "subjektive Logik" (Begriffslogik) in Hegels Werk "Wissenschaft der Logik". What this means is that, in the face of its own Limitation, the very Quality that defined the Something in the first place ceases to be in any opposition to the Other, which is to say that it no longer strictly is this Quality but now Ought to be this Quality. However, in accordance with the measure relations developed so far, each of its moments are in reciprocal, quantitatively determined ratios with one another. Wissenschaft der Logik I L II: 6: Wissenschaft der Logik II R: 7: Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts E I: 8: Enzyklopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften I ... Hegel and the Human Spirit (Jena, 1805–6), tr. This is because Essence is in itself absolute negativity, nothingness, and it follows that any determination made therein will share in this negativity and itself be essentially nothing. [95], Absolute Difference contains both Difference and Identity within it as moments just as, conversely, Identity contains itself and Difference as its moments. The latter is a relative relation between two Determinate Beings whereby they distinguish themselves one from another and in turn determine themselves as specific Beings based on this distinction. Science of Logic also incorporates the traditional Aristotelian syllogism: It is conceived as a phase of the "original unity of thought and being" rather than as a detached, formal instrument of inference. Hegel heute Zur „Wissenschaft der Logik“ (II)* Von L. Bruno PUNTEL (München) Angesichts der sich intensivierenden Beschäftigung mit Hegels Wissenschaft der Logik (= WL) wird es immer schwieriger, die ständig an wachsende Literatur über dieses Werk zu verfolgen und zu diskutieren. This beyond, in which they are unified, is the Infinite. The constant that results from this ratio is the inner characteristic Real Measure of the thing in question, but, taking the form as it does of a mere number, a Quantum, this constant is likewise subject to alteration, i.e., addition, subtraction, etc. Der Schluß der Reflexion. Die objective Logik: 3. What specifically is Different about something can similarly only be determined by a Comparison of Unlikeness between it and something else. It is real ground that serves to firstly make the connection between holding office and these reasons, and secondly to bind the various reasons, i.e. The Being-for-Other of Finitude has become the (b) Being-for-One of Infinity. Free shipping . Quantity is a Continuous Magnitude when seen as a coherent whole; as a collection of identical Ones, it is a Discrete Magnitude. These various factors are the grounds for his holding office. Table of Contents. Because of this, the Negative can equally well be regarded as positive and vice versa. Das Bewußtsein ist der Geist als konkretes, und zwar in der Äußerlichkeit befangenes Wissen; aber die Fortbewegung dieses Gegenstandes beruht allein, wie die Entwicklung alles natürlichen und geistigen Lebens, auf der Natur der reinen We- Here however, the two terms are Illusory Being and Essence. Whatever Quality there is "more" of in one thing than another can be equally said to be a "less" of whatever Quality exists in its stead in the other, i.e., there is an Inverse Ratio of their Factors. Die Wirklichkeit der Vernunft. Zweites Buch. This "volume" is the third major piece within the Science of Logic. Hegel's logic is a system of dialectics, i.e., a dialectical metaphysics: it is a development of the principle that thought and being constitute a single and active unity. November 1831 in Berlin. Georg Hegel, Enzyklopädie der Philosophischen Wissenschaften im Grundrisse. They cannot be cut off from each other, but either one can be foregrounded leaving the other present only implicitly. We can thus take the Qualities of both sides into account, the independent, or Realized, Measure serving as their (c) Relation. Therefore, the first Number of the ratio completely loses its independent significance and only functions as a determinate Quantum in relation to an other. [32], This move is highly significative of Hegel's philosophy because it means that, for him, "[it] is not the finite which is the real but the infinite." Die subjective Logik. The Ratio of Powers takes the following form: It is in this form of the Ratio, says Hegel, that "quantum has reached its Notion and has completely realized it." For Hegel, therefore, the world of nature and history, which is the unfolding of reason or the Idea, must include a moment of irreducible, immediate contingency. Eintheilung. They are no longer indifferent to one another but relate to each other intrinsically as Opposites. These Determinations of Reflection—formerly known as Determinate Beings when they were in the realm of Quality (see above)—therefore share in the nullity that undergirds them. This reconstituted unity that thus comes out of Diversity is c) Opposition. For further logical development to be possible, this standpoint must shift to a new one where the Infinite is no longer simply a derivation of the Finite, but where the Finite, as well as the Infinite in General, are but moments of (c) the True Infinite. Science of Logic also incorporates the traditional Aristotelian syllogism: It is conceived as a phase of the "original unity of thought and being" rather than as a detac… Now, with Absolute Indifference as our standpoint, every possible Qualitative determination is already implicitly related to every other by means of a Quantitative ratio. Der Begriff. Wissenschaft der Logik by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, unknown edition, ... Wissenschaft der Logik This edition published in 1812 by Johann Leonhard Schrag in Nürnberg. Those that apply this mode of thinking to something are making an arbitrary distinction, the opposite of which could always be claimed with equal justification. This absolute recoil upon itself is Essence as a) Positing Reflection. Vierter Band: Erster Theil, Die Objective Logik; Zweite Abtheilung, Die Lehre Vom Wesen. Hegel toimi jonkun aikaa journalistina ja meni naimisiin Marie von Tucherin kanssa vuonna 1811. [74], Although now united by the Quantitative Ratio, the two or more Qualities thus brought into relation retain their mutual separation as distinct Qualities. One side of the ratio, y, is a certain Amount relative to the other side, x, which serves as the Unit whereby this Amount is measured. Betydningsfuld forelæsning, der er den eneste, Hegel selv udgav. $68.29. This mutual inclusion and exclusion cancels out the both of them. Friedrich Hogemann and Walter Jaeschke, Gesammelte Werke, Band 21 (Hamburg: Felix Meiner, 1985) and Wissenschaft der Logik. What something was, was determined entirely by that which differentiated it from what it wasn't, i.e., it was negatively determined by its Other. 31. [85], Strictly within the realm of Being, the underlying unity behind all its determinations necessarily stands externally, and in contradiction, to those determinations themselves. Wissenschaft der Logik by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, unknown edition, ... Wissenschaft der Logik This edition published in 1812 by Johann Leonhard Schrag in Nürnberg. This is Contradiction. 2 volumes in 3, 8° (198 x 117mm). Now, however, that Qualitative Determinateness has returned, the Quantum loses its simple self-relation and can relate to itself only through a Qualitative Other that is beyond itself. Der erste Teil des dreiteiligen Werks der Wissenschaft der Logik, die objektive Logik oder Seinslogik erfuhr 1832 seine letzte Form. Wissenschaft Der Logik. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel * 27. [26] The flip side of this, though, is that the Limit also takes its negative along with it back into the Something, this (the result of negating the Limit) being the Other yet now as posited in the Something as that Something’s very own Determination. This means that the Something's self-determination (inherited from Determined Being as Such) is only relative, entirely dependent on what it isn't to be what it is, and entirely dependent on Something posited as the contradiction of itself, of its own Limit. Se også de eksterne henvisninger nedenfor. [37], If we now take in isolation that to which all the preceding moments refer, i.e., that which we now have immediately before us, we end up with (c) the One. (In the Negative, this self- contradiction is explicit, but it is no less the nature of the Positive. [53], Quantity is the One, but containing within it the moments of the Many, Repulsion, Attraction, etc. Wissenschaft der Logik | Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich | ISBN: 9781484031834 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon. In the sphere of Reflection, however, any determination posited by Essence is, as a determination, necessarily Different from the absolute negativity that is its Essence. "But quantity is not only a quality; it is the truth of quality itself." [87], The immediate characteristic displayed by Essence, once it finally emerges from Being, is simply that it is not Being. In 1826, the book went out of stock. Pembahasan menarik tentang bagaimana "Hegel menjadi Hegel", dengan menggunakan hipotesis pembimbing bahaw Hegel "pada dasarnya adalah seorang teolog manqué". "[5], Being, specifically Pure Being, is the first step taken in the scientific development of Pure Knowing, which itself is the final state achieved in the historical self-manifestation of Geist (Spirit/Mind) as described in detail by Hegel in Phänomenologie des Geistes (1807). The constant would seem to bring these moments back into unity with each other, but in actuality, it too can serve only as either Amount or Unit. by Koch, Anton / Schick, Friedrike. F Hegemann & W Jaeschke Eds’s G W F Hegel: Wissenschaft Der Logik, Erster Teil , H Falk’s Das Wissen In Hegel's "Wissenschaft Der Logik". This absolute Identity rests on the absolute negativity that unites Essence with its Essentialities. It is therefore identical with Being, except that it is thought of as its very opposite. [6] This Pure Knowing is simply Knowing as Such, and as such, has for its first thought product Being as Such, i.e., the purest abstraction from all that is (although, importantly, not distinct from, or alongside, all that is), having "no diversity within itself nor with any reference outwards. [46], The One having been restored to unity by Attraction now contains Repulsion and Attraction within it as moments. This distinction is therefore meaningful as posited by thought. [88], The Difference of Reflection must be distinguished from the Otherness of Determinate Being. This Limit is also shared by its Other which is itself an other Something only insofar as it is on the far side of this Limit. A ratio, such as x:y, is a Direct Ratio if both terms of the ratio are delimited by a single Quantum, a constant, k (what Hegel calls in the language of his day the "exponent" of the ratio). Indem die Logik Wissenschaft der absoluten Form ist, so muß dieß Formelle, damit es ein Wahres seye, an ihm selbst einen Inhalt haben, welcher seiner Form gemäß sey, und um so mehr, da das logische Formelle die reine Form, also das logische Wahre, die reine Wahrheit selbst seyn muß. Within ground Hegel brings together such basic constituents of reality as form, matter, essence, content, relation, and condition. A. V. Miller, (London: Allen & Unwin, 1969). Ditto the Negative. The other moment, that of Repulsion, is also retained in Quantity as Discreteness. Find books Because it is the nature of the One to be purely self-related, their relation to one another is in fact a non-relation, i.e., takes place externally in the Void. [90], The next determination of Reflection, b) External Reflection, shifts the emphasis from the absolute negativity, or nothingness, in which the posited Illusory Being and its positing Essence find their identity, to the relative negativity upon which their opposition is based. Vorrede zur ersten Ausgabe. If the constant is given, then the Quantum on any one side of the ratio could be any Number, and the Number on the other side will automatically be determined. At this point the negative, Excluding nature of the One is reasserted within Quantity. ID Numbers Open Library OL24138159M The degree to which they exhibit self-preservation is registered in the internal Measure—weight in this case—which ends up being equal, after combination, to the sum of the original two Measures; the degree to which they exhibit Qualitative alteration is registered in the external Measure—space in this case—which does not necessarily result in a sum equal to its parts, but often in the case of material substances exhibits a diminution in overall volume. This Measure necessarily involves variable magnitudes since the Qualitatively distinct ways in which different things relate to Quantity can only be registered in their respective rates of increase or decrease relative to each other. The constant appearance and disappearance of the empty manifestations of Illusory Being can now be seen as Essence's own self-generating movement, its own Reflection. Erster Band. 38 See, for example, Hegel, , Wissenschaft der Logik, 2: 202; Science of Logic, p. 542 (on ‘immediate, unreflected actuality’). One designates an inner Quality, in this case weight; the other designates an external Quality, in this case volume, the amount of space it takes up. This contradiction is resolved by their immediate vanishing, one into the other. [35], At this point we have arrived back at simple Being from which all the previous developments had initially proceeded. The Rule is an arbitrary external standard or Amount that measures something other than itself. Although it "knows" that the Illusory Being it finds immediately before it has been posited by none other than itself, External Reflection nevertheless regards this Being as something external to it from which it returns to itself. By. The internal union that existed between Identity and Difference which is merely implicit to the outside observer, therefore emerges again in external reflection between Likeness and Unlikeness, and thus overcomes the external Diversity that held Identity and Difference indifferently apart from each other. Broken into components, form taken together with essence gives us "a substrate for the ground relation" (Hegel seems to mean relation in a quasi-universal sense). "It can therefore be said," says Hegel, "that this content is the exposition of God as he is in his eternal essence before the creation of nature and a finite mind. This page was last edited on 23 September 2020, at 13:36. A. ), So, similar to Becoming above, the Positive and the Negative immediately transition the one into the other: the Positive includes the Negative which immediately excludes the Positive; the resulting Negative however also includes the Positive which in turn excludes the Negative and so on ad infinitum. Science of Logic is too advanced for undergraduate students so Hegel wrote an Encyclopaedic version of the logic which was published in 1817.
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