Informationen rund um den Studiengang Business Administration (Bachelor of Arts) an der VWA und Berufsakademie Göttingen am Standort Göttingen Faculty of Business and Economics Contact: In addition to knowledge in business and economics, special knowledge in dealing with information and communication systems is acquired, as well as knowledge in the area of the relevant mathematical and statistical methods and law. Most popular Business Administration programmes for international students in Göttingen These are the most popular programmes among international students who are looking for a Business Administration degree in Göttingen. Study Master of Business Administration in Stade, Göttingen - Germany in German for 3 semesters at PFH - Private University of Applied Sciences Göttingen Du interessierst Dich für das Studium Master of Business Administration an der PFH Göttingen? Subject: Business Administration (BSc) Admission Evaluation results Degree-seeking students Enrolment in subsequent years Financial aid Tuition fees. While it is important to choose a programme that appeals to you, of course, this fact alone does not guarantee success. Service Centre for Students Göttingen, Germany. Das … Sie beenden Ihr berufsbegleitendes Bachelor-Studium in Business Administration mit dem akademischen Grad Bachelor of Arts (B.A.). Die PFH bietet den Studiengang Business Administration am Campus Göttingen an. Logg Dich jetzt ein, um das ganze Profil zu sehen. Verwaltungs- und Wirtschafts-Akademie und Berufsakademie Göttingen Language of the programme: German Agribusiness (MBA) Der berufsbegleitende Studiengang ist als Managementweiterbildung konzipiert und wird mit dem global anerkannten Titel „Master of Business Administration“ (MBA) abgeschlossen. COVID-19 - Resuming activities safely - The measures adopted by the University of Bologna. Library. Classe di laurea MIUR: Das Unternehmen ist wirtschaftsaktiv. Report. Choosing a programme is not a decision that you want to take lightly. Faculty of Business and Economics Is it the first time you are entering this system? Private Hochschule Göttingen . Business Administration The term "informatics" was first defined by Saul Gorn of University of Pennsylvania in 1983 (Gorn, 1983) as computer science plus information science used in conjunction with the name of a discipline such as business administration or biology. in Göttingen? Jobfinden - StepStone! Phone: +49-551 39 28800 Der Kurs kann in einem Zeitraum von 18 Monaten, das entspricht einem Aufwand von zirka 24 Stunden pro Woche, erfolgreich abgeschlossen werden. Georgia Augusta succeeded in producing or offering temporary scientific shelter to world-class researchers throughout the ages who have contributed to the University's international reputation in the natural sciences as well as in the arts. Business Administration (BWL) - Master of Business Administration - PFH - Private Hochschule Göttingen - Göttingen - Niedersachsen X Um unsere Webseite für dich optimal zu gestalten und fortlaufend verbessern zu können, verwenden wir Cookies. Ottieni tutte le informazioni su scuola e programmi qui! The study programmes in General Management (Bachelor of Science and Master of Science) and Business Administration (Bachelor of Science) currently constitute the PFH's course offering in Business Administration at the Göttingen campus. In deiner Rolle lernst du die Vielfalt von HR Systemen und Prozessen kennen und dein Wissen in internationalen Digitalisierungs- und Implementierungsprozessen anzuwenden. Eigeninitiative. The Business Administration Master's Degree (LM 77, named in Italian "Laurea Magistrale in Business Administration") is a 2-year postgraduate course offered by the Department of Management. The Bachelor's programme in Business Administration will procure an excellent general and specialised professional qualification on the one hand and help build the academic basis to acquire a consecutive degree within the framework of a Master's programme. Business Administration beschreibt das Managen von Unternehmen. Log in. abgeschlossene Ausbildung – entweder mit dreijähriger Berufserfahrung oder mit abgeschlossener … Insgesamt belaufen sich die Kosten auf ca. Infos zum Fernstudiengang Master of Business Administration (MBA) Business Administration: Kosten, Zulassung und Fakten zur Hochschule Private Hochschule Göttingen. Enrol. Webseiten der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. Info. Auf UNICHECK findest du alle Informationen zum Studienangebot. Hilfsbereitschaft. Informationen rund um den Studiengang Business Administration (Bachelor of Science) an der Private Hochschule Göttingen am Standort Göttingen Administration Manager Jobs in Göttingen - Eine Riesenauswahl an Administration Manager Stellenangeboten in Göttingen finden Sie bei uns. Hier findest Du nützliche Infos zum Studiengang. Berlin International – University of Applied Sciences / Berlin International P. Business Administration. Follow. Browse more videos. Fernstudium Business Administration (MBA) an der PFH Göttingen. Students can follow up their bachelor degree with further studies like enrolling in a master's degree programme in Germany or abroad. Jobfinden - StepStone! Er dauert 6 Semester, schließt mit dem Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Chair of Accounting and Auditing Direzione Generale (Business Administration) Master of Science (M.Sc.) Degree: Bachelor of Science (BSc) Bisher haben 11 Teilnehmer den Kurs bewertet. Der Studiengang ist grundständig und wird angeboten von der Hochschule Private Hochschule Göttingen in Göttingen. The Bachelor's programme in Business Administration is divided into the orientation phase (1st and 2nd semesters) and the in-depth and specialization phase (3rd to 6th semester). The Course is held in Italian. Below you can find the most popular universities and programmes to study Business Administration in Göttingen, Germany. Prerequisites for the successful completion of a Bachelor's programme in Business Administration are a sound knowledge of the English language (and for international students also of the German language), Mathematics and Computer Sciences. Sartorius Corporate Administration - Göttingen, Braunschweig. Il Master in Business Administration (MBA), è sviluppato nell’arco di 12 mesi full-time.Tutti i corsi dei master post laurea ESE sono interamente insegnati in lingua inglese.. Il corso, articolato in quattro ‘trimestri’ presenta tre linee di lavoro: • 12 corsi ‘core’ nei primi tre trimestri e lo studio (opzionale) di una lingua straniera (Term 1, 2 & 3) at University of Göttingen - fees, duration, intakes and student reviews Il master in Business Administration permette ai partecipanti di ampliare le competenze funzionali, sviluppare capacità manageriali, acquisire una visione di processo delle attività aziendali e capacità trasversali, familiarizzare in una prospettiva internazionale e intersettoriale. Use the following link to activate your id and create your password. Building upon this, the Master's degree programme allows for further specialisation. ab und ist von der Akkreditierungsagentur ZEvA akkreditiert und staatlich anerkannt. In the orientation phase (1st and 2nd semesters) students acquire knowledge of the basic issues and approaches to solutions of the economic sciences as well as of several important neighbouring disciplines. Business Administration (BWL) an der PFH - Private Hochschule Göttingen - hier gibt es Infos zur Regelstudienzeit, Zulassung, Bewerbung und Studienbeiträgen für den Master of Business Administration … Network. You are here: Start . PFH Private Hochschule Göttingen / Business Administration MBA im Detail Der Fernstudiengang zum Master of Business Administration (MBA) richtet sich in erster Linie an Hochschulabsolventen nicht-wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Studiengänge und dauert drei Semester. Hier findest Du nützliche Infos zum Studiengang. Lo scopo del ramo di studio del master in Business Administration che viene insegnato in inglese è quello di preparare i laureati per posizioni e attività economiche, manageriali, imprenditoriali, amministrative e di altro genere all'interno dei confini del mercato del lavoro nazionale e internazionale. Start of programme: winter and summer semester Bis heute 3 Jahre und 1 Monat, seit Aug. 2016. Business Administration. Current Information About The Coronavirus. Tipo di corso: Laurea Magistrale. Business management requires expertise in all aspects of your organization, so make sure you set yourself up for success with access to classes taught by real-world experts. Thanks to your broad and solid basic education in all sub-disciplines of business administration, a large range of career opportunities will await you, irrespective of which area of specialisation you choose. Logg Dich jetzt ein, um das ganze Profil zu sehen. Businessadministrator Jobs in Göttingen - Eine Riesenauswahl an Businessadministrator Stellenangeboten in Göttingen finden Sie bei uns. Students with limited knowledge of English (and/or German), Mathematics or Information and Communication Systems are recommended to educate themselves before the commencement of the Bachelor's programme. Business Administration, MBA an der Hochschule PFH Private Hochschule Göttingen in Göttingen. About. Bis heute, seit Okt. Business Administration. Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3 Zulassungsvoraussetzung. 1. Das Studium "Business Administration" an der privaten "PFH – Private Hochschule Göttingen" hat eine Regelstudienzeit von 6 Semestern und endet mit dem Abschluss "Bachelor of Science". Das Bachelorstudium im Studiengang „Business Administration“ bildet auf wissenschaftlicher und praxisorientierter Grundlage mit dem Ziel aus,… 10587 Berlin. The Faculty of Business and Economics also offers a precourse in Mathematics to prepare new students for the following modules in Mathematics. Use the following link to activate your id and create your password. Our Business Administration study programme with a guarantee of a job offers the best prospects for your future. Business and Administration. "Holistic" means that the study programme at the PFH not only provides you with specialist knowledge in Business Administration, but also trains your personal skills. This list is based on visitors on the Studyportals websites, listing more than 150,000 English-taught Bachelor's and Master's programmes world-wide., Selection procedure and admission criteria, 2020 CHE University Ranking Results - bachelor programmes are ranked among the top and middle group, Studying abroad - information and financial support, Overview of the modules of the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Economic and Social History (BA) (two subjects), Business and Human Resource Education (BA), Finance, Accounting, and Taxes (MSc) (Double Degree), Business Education and Human Resource Development (MSc), History of Global Markets (MA) (Multiple Degree),, Directories of courses and people (UniVZ), 1st subject semester: limited admission (application to the University), 2nd to 6th subject semester: limited admission (application to the University), International applicants (non-EU): limited admission (application to, Interest in entrepreneurial or macroeconomic issues, Analytical thinking faculties as well as an interest in and ability to deal with mathematical methods of presentation, Proficiency in German, a good or at least working knowledge of the English language, Staff departments for business administration at large corporations, Governmental authorities and associations. Standard period of study: 6 semesters » Create / Recover Password Introduction. Coordinatore Prof. Mario Amore. 2018. Department of Business Administration. Sartorius ist ein international führender Partner der biopharmazeutischen Forschung und Industrie. Business administration degree programs and courses are excellent options for gaining the type of experience you'll need to be an effective leader within your organization. Es handelt sich um ein Präsenzstudium. The Master of Science in Business Administration (Laurea Magistrale- LM 77) is a two-year programme taught entirely in English, internationally open, practice-oriented and job-market driven. Information about Business Administration (B.Sc.) 5 years ago | 7 views. Students may additionally direct their studies towards their own individual interests and occupational desires. Admission: General information: What is it all about? Skills and Expertise. All five Business Administration profiles combine sound academic knowledge with practical relevance.

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